This is an extra large bag as shown in the product image. It also feels a little heavy, so it might not be ideal for everyone, but it's great for my purposes. I carry a lot and prefer big bags. I would say this is one of my biggest bags. I read a review that said it looked more like a bag than a tramp and I have to agree. This is my first purchase of a truly white handbag and I'm concerned about the possibility of color transfer from my jeans (this happened to an ivory bag I had a few years ago that I wasn't even wearing new or even remotely new jeans on the same day). I've tried pretty much every product I could find on the internet and managed to get rid of most of them, but I definitely don't want anything to happen to my new bag. This time I intend to use the repellent first, so hopefully that won't happen. The product description doesn't specifically state that this bag is made of lambskin leather, but this is shown on several other retail sites. I have no experience with this type of leather (most of my Frye bags are quite durable), but I've read that it's fragile and requires special care - it's smooth and a bit delicate to the touch. I don't usually spoil my bags, but I'll make an exception for this one. The leather is soft to the touch, but the bag has some structure (it's not flexible). The bag is very versatile, it can be worn in several ways: the shoulder strap is adjustable on one shoulder or over the shoulder and can be easily removed with buttons. The wrist strap is also adjustable and removable (it has metal posts that go through slots punched in the leather). The wrist strap is wide and feels very strong. The shoulder strap isn't as wide and seems to be sufficient to provide support Given the weight of a fully loaded bag, I would have preferred a wider strap. The hardware is solid and well made, as are the attractive zippers (particularly the unique zipper on the large front pocket with (double prongs on one side). Interior zippered pocket ( regular zip) and two hand lining isn't as pretty as some of my old Frye bags.However, the leather is beautiful.and the construction is great.So happy to have found this great bag at an amazing price. I will be wearing it all summer and for years to come.Sorry there was no way this vie Rating half a star - it's not exactly five stars for me, but I think it's better than four stars, especially at the time price is less than half the error of the recommended retail price!
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