I'm a retired professional studio photographer. Since Covid I've made a lot of 'desktop', small products just for fun and practice. I've used very simple current meter lights with household LEDs, but I need shutters for better control. The first image is the final image and the original white background has been replaced with a shade of gray to gray. The second image shows how the lights were positioned: the top left was at 5000Β°K, at full power, and the bottom shutter was raised to scatter light from objects. The skylight also had a temperature of 5000Β°K but was reduced to 50%. Decreasing array brightness *does not affect color temperature*, which can be adjusted anywhere from northern skylight to candlelight. In the last shot I turned off the overhead light to show where the background light is pointing. Two features that I particularly like are the shutter and the consistent color temperature. You can even mix and match e.g. B. Warmer light on one device and cooler light on another. These are amazing lamps for any purpose. I haven't shot indoor portraits in a few years, but I plan to try them in portraits soon.