извините, но я не могу подтвердить качество этой кисти, так как мне прислали не угловую кисть, как заказывали, а вместо нее плоскую, которую я вернул, так как она была не та I wanted. Unfortunately, it was one of those "extra" items you can only get with a $25 basic order. Amazon told me they can't do exchanges so I'll have to wait until I have another $25 order so I can try ordering again and hopefully get the correct brush. not happy about it. Update - the seller called me personally to apologize for this issue. Apparently some items were incorrectly numbered resulting in an order error. The seller is really trying their best to fix this problem, among other things. I am very grateful for their attention and excellent customer service. I will also update after receiving the correct item and give my opinion on the brush.
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