Incidentally, the nice thing about this sensor is that it is universally adjustable. It can be calibrated to almost any fuel level sensor signal. Other than that, I found this sensor virtually useless. It oscillates so much it's almost meaningless. For example, when the tank is full, it often drops to 75-80%. When the tank is half empty, it's somewhere between zero and 70%. Autometer will say in their literature that the problem is the lack of a bulkhead in the standard fuel tank. Well that doesn't explain why the OEM fuel gauge works perfectly and doesn't fluctuate everywhere. It may not be possible to make a sensor that is both truly stable and that can be calibrated for many types of transmitters. After numerous calibration attempts, it works perfectly, but the slightest accelerations while driving still cause the sensor readings to change. very. I end up using my lightbulb and tracking total mileage as a guide. Incidentally, I have found many obvious and unforgivable design omissions in several Autometer products, including some of their most expensive product lines. I cannot recommend this product.
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