This bag looks great. They were recommended on several websites compared to lunch bags and looked better compared to street style bags. I have attached photos for size reference. I also used a water bottle in a variety of ways to show the size of the front pocket and side pockets. The good thing about this bag is that it has a separate front pocket for everything and fits a water bottle easily, so napkins, cutlery and even a postcard. The side pockets are mesh and work great for me. I have an office job and instead of lugging around a big bag of pockets I can store pens, wallet, notepad etc. The gorgeous heather look is clean and goes well with the office decor. It's big enough for a regular water bottle and wide enough for the widest Tupperware dishes. It also comes with a shoulder strap. I have broad shoulders so the shoulder straps never fit me well, but it sits where the shoulder straps usually sit on me ie high and tight. So I think it will work the same for the average framed person. Maybe I'll pick the next point, so I'm giving it four stars: The last photo shows a loose strand. Not a deal breaker at all. Everything works, I just have a feeling that a loose strand of fabric is tearing prematurely and the product shouldn't have them when they're new in the box. I will update as soon as I give it a long time of use.
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