The ability for everyone in my studio to contribute ideas, thoughts or questions at any time is invaluable! And of course all our files are kept safe so we never lose anything again!! It's not easy to keep up sometimes when it comes to keeping everything organized but I think they've got that sorted now as well. We can't always be connected online which makes working from home difficult if you're trying to give feedback/suggestions etc. To me this has been something i'm used too having worked remotely before - however there was no real benefit then either other than just an added perk (i guess). So far nothing really stands out here- great product though. As mentioned above - the ease of being able to keep track of what people have said without them actually saying things themselves helps us get better results quicker. The ability for my colleagues in other offices across London, Manchester & Birmingham (incl Bristol) that are not located within our office at present but will be joining us shortly! It's great being able to keep up-to date with each others progress via this app - I can't say enough good things about it!! Nothing really as such its very easy to use once you get used to how simple everything is laid out / navigated etc so no dislikes there just yet :).