Attention buyers. This belt is an absolute fake and not even leather. It is made from a type of paper that tears very easily with minimal effort. The belt was wrapped in very poor plastic wrap and duct tape, and the sticky part of the duct tape had bits of food or boogers stuck to it along with human hair. I mean it would be better if they didn't bother with the packaging. The belt also had a pungent oily odor that gets onto the hand when touched. no signs of fatigue. I was very disappointed when this arrived because 5 seconds after I saw it I realized it was fake and made of paper and the quality was not the same as the original. Upon closer inspection, the Timberland logo was missing a copyright mark and the back of the belt was sagging due to a minor scratch. In addition, the smoother part on the outside permanently creases when bent. I have attached photos showing a comparison between Timberland's original brown belt and this black fake they sell. Honestly I just want my money back.