I bought to replace the Raradigm phantom V2 floorstanding speakers, whose suspensions were crumbling from old age, Usil - a denon receiver. I took it without looking, after reading reviews on these Internets of yours and estimating the amount that you don’t mind spending on speakers, because. there is nothing in common in listening in the sterile conditions of the salon and home use. We started playing more or less after a three-day “warm-up”. The sound can be described as satisfactory. They play jazz and classical music well, but mitol and rock are not about them - a complete mess. Bass is fast and sharp, FI shut up as they mercilessly tambourine open. In total, my subjective four is just so solid, they heard better, but the best, as you know, is the enemy of the good.
Radio receiver Max MR-322 anthracite
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AUNA Connect 150 Black 2.1 Wi-Fi Internet Radio Music Player With MP3 USB Port, AUX & Remote Control - Black
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KLIM CD Boombox Portable Audio Player with FM Radio, Rechargeable Battery, Bluetooth, MP3, AUX, Neodymium Speakers, and Upgraded CD Laser Lens (2021 Edition)
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