The tip of the pipe should be cut at a slight angle, as in car vacuum cleaners, so that the pipe collects debris. And reduce the diameter of the pipe so that heavy debris is sucked in more strongly. Run the wire through the pipe not from below, but from the side or from above. I removed the brush from the old vacuum cleaner by standing on it with my foot, no circus with a bunch of buttons. It would be convenient to add a long handle so that you can put the vacuum cleaner without a pipe on the brush and vacuum while standing, since the weight of the vacuum cleaner simply rests on the floor, and you do not turn it in your hand. And I need a regular brush about 18 cm wide, not a turbo brush, to collect crumbs after the baby. I would be ready to suffer with a dust collector, I think you can adapt. Although the dust collector is much better in a banal car vacuum cleaner, it is easier to clean. PS! I got used to it! I rake up the garbage with a wet mop with an Auchan sponge. All small debris ends up on a sponge and is washed off with water, otherwise what I pick up with this vacuum cleaner without a wire is very convenient. And then it is easy to clean, there is only large garbage. I use only one nozzle, so there is no problem with difficult unfastening. She removed the pipe, it is difficult to turn the vacuum cleaner with it. I found a shelf in the center of the house and the vacuum cleaner is always at hand. It turns out my favorite wet cleaning and easy garbage collection! I am pleased.