These leggings are of very good quality, especially. by price! I first bought it for my niece but wasn't sure about the size. So I ordered an XL as a spare, but then I tried it on, it fits perfectly! I am a size 6 adult. I have used them in Boston weather 20/30 for the past two weeks and they are holding up very well. Now I'm ordering another one for myself.
Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
80 Review
Girls' Clothing and Leggings - Govc Winter Fleece Velvet Leggings
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Kid Nation Unisex Heather Charcoal Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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ZukoCert Fleece Leggings Cashmere 2P B 130 Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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