Update: died after 7 months. But in a good way! I plugged the charger into a shaded outlet and after a few minutes my laptop kept showing the USB over voltage warning and the charging indicator went out with a soft beep. The outlet popped out and potentially destroyed my laptop - instead the charger protected my $3,000 laptop! I just bought another one for next day delivery. Scary moment but I would give it an extra star if I could! This is the second universal USB charger I've bought - the first from another company was a highly rated 65W charger, but it was "pulse charging". "My Nintendo Switch, which drains its battery over time. So I switched to this more expensive charger, but it was worth every penny straight away. I can only carry this charger around (compared to my laptop charger, nintendo switch charger, phone charger, tablet charger etc) so it makes my life MUCH easier! Please note that charging up to 100W requires a 100W USB cable! When dealing with expensive electronics don't skimp on the power supply or cables or you could ruin the battery if not the device itself. This USB charger was actually smaller than the pictures suggested but it is heavier than I thought - a little heavier than my Lenovo X1 Carbon Thinkpad charger but it definitely saves clutter and weight as I don't need all my other chargers. too much of. The 100W charging works cool too, which I prefer. Highly recommended.
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