Someone had the brilliant idea of sewing on some simple shoulder straps and adding some zippered pockets to a perforated laundry bag. The result is a great swim bag that you can take to the pool with you. I can pack all my gear (towel, rash guard, goggles and swim cap), go swimming and when I'm done I can put all my wet gear in a breathable bag as I know it will cut drying time a lot but Die Don't leave bag in a mess smelling of mold like a normal backpack. The zip pocket is great for a wallet, phone or anything else you need to leave in your bag while swimming. The opening of the main mesh bag is wide and easy to close with a drawstring, so you can squeeze many things in and nothing will fall out. My only downside is that I would like the next version of this bag to have a reinforced shoulder. Belt. They feel thin and look like an afterthought added to bag designs. Highly recommended, thanks to this bag I finally got rid of my smelly old Jansport.
Pampers diapers New Baby Dry 1 (2-5 kg), 27 pcs., 27 pcs., 1, 2 - 5 kg
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