Frye bags are a bit pricey but the quality is better than other brands in the same price range so worth the money in my opinion. It's often possible to get what you're looking for at a discount, like I did with this one, for a list price of over $100. Amazing quality leather with amazing antique finishes that ultimately look better when worn. This design is simple and very comfortable, tucks under my arm (I wear it without the extra long strap) and is easy to put on and take off thanks to the magnetic closure - just what I was looking for. I have two of this style in different colors and a couple of Frye Melissa bags which I dislike as much as this Melissa Hobo because the bag is heavier and more difficult to get in and out of. Also, I would like to point out that this latest Frye bag of mine does NOT come with Fry's signature keychain like my other bags do. past. I called Frye customer service and was told that the newer models no longer come with a key fob, but the rep was very nice and sent me a matching free key for my bag at no charge.
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