I love my bags. What I didn't like was the pile of items at the bottom of the bag and the struggle to find keys, work ID, etc. I remember seeing these nylon organizers and thinking about buying them. When I finally decided to bite the bullet and make a purchase during my search, I found this felt. My biggest fear was buying this helper and that it would weigh down my already heavy bag. I went back and forth trying to decide and finally decided to choose this bag over the cheaper nylon bags because it would help some of my soft bags hold their shape. Received yesterday and quickly put in my bag. Now I'm very happy, everything is organized and it added almost no extra weight to my bag. I chose the thin medium to leave extra room in my bag for those days when I'm carrying a large hardcover book. In general, I'm a happy girl now. Things are organized and I have room on the side to put my water bottle, a book, or even my laptop in a bag. Another big plus of this organizer is that it has a central zipped pocket. Helps keep my wallet or checkbook safe when on a crowded train and use one of the open pockets. If you're a bag lover like me, you'll be delighted with this organizer.
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