This sweet little evening dress is very beautiful. It's exactly as described by the seller but it's even cuter than I expected. I ordered this for our four year old granddaughter as a flower girl for her aunt's (our daughter's) wedding in May. The color is the most beautiful pearl pink. Exquisite soutache braiding on the bodice. The dress looks really well tailored and is perfect for the role of the flower girl. We didn't want a long dress that she would trip over all night, so we went for a shorter one. The puff rock factor is really WOW and I'm sure it will make waves. Underneath the two fluffy outer layers with bow edges (one plain, one high-low) is a pink satin layer and underneath is a layer of tulle skirt. One reviewer mentioned that the "brooch" detail at the waist is silver plastic with no stones. That's true, but it's still cute and I don't think I'd trade it for anything heavier. We are very happy with the purchase.
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