The camera broke within a month. It turns on, tries to calibrate and freezes, then reboots and starts all over again. I turned to the seller on the issue of repair, I was offered to bring it personally to the service center, which is located 200 km from me, to my request to send it to them by delivery, they refused, referring to the company's rules, that only a personal visit, for me it's so nonsense, to take the camera for 2600r for 200km, then go after her again. The support service also cannot help, throwing arrows at the seller. Where is the customer focus? Where is the service and amenities? It’s better then to buy on the official website of xiomi, they have no problems with this, the courier picks up, the courier brings, and everything is free. The camera itself is good, 100% good for domestic use, the application is also excellent, everything is clear, easy to set up. I took 2 pieces, one stands on the street and works without problems, and the second was in a warm, dry room, eventually broke down, although I thought it would be the other way around
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