This bag isn't bad for the price. I returned it and went with something else, but I want to give an honest and friendly explanation as to why it didn't work for me. I don't think this is a bad product, I just think its advertising is misleading. Brevit seems to want us to think that this bag will be our one stop solution for all our adventures and travels. It is not true. If you want something that will truly stand up to the weather, abuse, and hold up all your stuff, you'll want to spend 2x or 3x more on something made by F-Stop, WANDRD, or Shimoda. Don't think that when you travel more than a few miles from home, you can conveniently stash your regular everyday essentials AND your camera in this bag. The truth is, she's tiny. Like smaller than you think, even though you thought she looked pretty small. This bag really isn't for those with more than a very modest amount of gear. Definitely don't recommend using this as a carry-on/personal item unless you really like minimalistic packaging. Certainly ok for short day trips but definitely won't stand up to rain/snow so be careful when hiking or buy a rain jacket too. Whatever it is, it's good. I ended up buying the Runner from the Brevite website (it has an extra pocket and a little more room on top) for street photography. occasional portrait sessions close to home and short day trips. However, this company advertises their products as if you could comfortably fit a professional photo rig and your personal belongings in it, and they boast a lot about how easy it all should be. I feel like I have a modest amount of mirrorless camera + 2 lenses with me at once, multiple batteries, cables, laptop, Nintendo Switch, book, light jacket, etc. But it was stuffed to the brim before I even had time to look around to bring it to a close. A very small backpack with little space for a camera, not a solution for professional photographers or for more than a few hours of casual photography. Don't listen to YouTube reviews. Basically they've all been paid for (good tutorial overall) and skip this one and go for something more advanced if you're looking for more security, weather resistance, protection and storage. I personally highly recommend Wandrd prvke. I never worry about the weather, security, or protection with this bag, and it could probably fit an entire certification card sweater in its hinged lid. if you are looking for more security, weather resistance, protection and storage. I personally highly recommend Wandrd prvke. I never worry about the weather, security, or protection with this bag, and it could probably fit an entire certification card sweater in its hinged lid. if you are looking for more security, weather resistance, protection and storage. I personally highly recommend Wandrd prvke. I never worry about the weather, security, or protection with this bag, and it could probably fit an entire certification card sweater in its hinged lid.
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