I ordered this dress for my 13 year old daughter who chose the color B-Blue Flower. She fell in love with it the moment she tried it on - she spent a good five minutes dancing, twirling and posing for photos in it. The bodice is fitted enough to flatter any girl's figure, yet is loose and comfortable, not tight or restricting movement. The lower part is long and smooth. The length makes her look very straight in the photos but in reality it allows enough room for her legs to move. My daughter especially loves the bags. I don't know if those pockets are good for anything, because they're deep and stretchy, and heavy items are likely to just let the dress sag, but she finds them a comfortable place to rest her hands. Overall I would say this dress is beautiful and comfortable enough for your daughter, conservative enough for your parents, formal enough for holiday dinners and church services, and incredibly affordable. The size chart is almost useless. , as it doesn't intuitively match the sizing options in the list, doesn't provide measurements for different age groups (measure a dozen random 13 year olds and you'll get a dozen different sets of measurements), and doesn't measure the entire range of sizes available. Sizing is based on age but my daughter runs small for her age. I took a chance and ordered a size 12-13 which turned out to be just right for her to wear now and still leaves room for growth. To give you an idea of what this really means, my daughter's overall height is 59", chest 28", shoulders 14", waist 27", inseam 29" (measured from crotch to floor with bare feet).The bottom edge of the dress hangs around her ankles.
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