Let's start by saying there's a lot to love about this keyboard. Without a significant issue, this keyboard could easily have been a 5-star keyboard. The keycaps look fantastic, with nice smooth matte plastic and a keystroke that feels like MX blues but is a little lighter. The low profile, compact profile is perfect for my setup, giving me plenty of room for my mouse and not requiring a wrist rest or anything. The position of the hands on the table feels natural thanks to the height of the keyboard. The light blue color choice is nice and goes perfectly with my mostly white configuration. Aesthetically this keyboard is pretty darn perfect, my only complaint is that it's black and white. This article is also very well put together. It is entirely made of plastic but is very durable yet soft. I don't know exactly what plastic it's made of, but it feels solid and won't give in under the hardest keystrokes. That's why I gave it one star now. The keyboard, no matter how beautiful it is, should fulfill the functions of the keyboard. Pressing a key and seeing the reaction on screen, whether it's a character appearing in an input field or a player character moving, is crucial to what makes a keyboard a keyboard. Unfortunately, this special keyboard falls short here. Every few minutes the lights go off and then back on and every key I press at that moment gets spammed as if I'm holding it down. It's so annoying when you have to go back and correct a bunch of letters that just appeared or something that was removed by a spam whitespace. This happened to me 7 times while writing this review. However, this problem only appeared recently. I first received the keyboard in November 2017 and have only had problems with it since early October 2018. It used to be my favorite keyboard, but this problem comes up far too often and I just can't bring myself to use it as my daily driver.