I bought it today, put the battery in and it doesn’t work, I thought that the battery was not charged, I put it in again, it doesn’t even buzz, I still couldn’t stand it, I wanted to make a return, but I took it apart, the screws were flimsy, and I took out the mator, it seemed that the back cover of the motor was a little on one side, put the anchor in place, the twist became softer, assembled without pressing the motor, the twist put the knife instead, but alas, the uncool person could not understand what was happening, everything was twisting again, he took it apart, it seemed that there was a problem in the plate for the knife, the axis was too inserted into the moving part of the knife, the plate had to be pressed so that the stem with the offset axis slightly entered after the problem was eliminated, the guard was not bad, it was not clean if you need urgent goods and if you need to finish the roofing felts, look for someone who will repair it, only lose time, it’s better to order in advance and check, and after exploiting everyone, good luck, I also took a motor pump for 1000 liters per minute, but I didn’t think that the documentation didn’t describe the details, or rather the dimensions, so I’m still looking for what kind of oil seal you need only 19 roofing felts 20.5 roofing felts 21 first you need to find spare parts and then buy goods
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