They have a lot of options for different types of storage. I like that they can be customized to your business needs. The system is easy to use and has many features, but it also takes some time to learn all the ins and outs. They have lots of options for different situations. If you are looking for something that will store emails for a long period of time, this might not be the best option for you. We are solving the issue of storing our emails in a secure manner. This helps us comply with HIPAA regulations. I like the fact that it can archive emails from any server but you have to pay for the service so this could be a bit expensive if you don't need the archive function. It does help with finding old emails when you need them, however we also use other tools such as Microsoft Outlook to archive our emails which means they are stored in the cloud anyway meaning there's no need for MessageLogic. You can also find out where your emails have been sent.