With cuckooxploit is very helpful to have good knowledge as security analyst. It provides me lot of tools to use, it can scan network devices on virtual machine and is also useful for windows systems. I haven't find anything I dislike with this product other than sometimes you might not able to log in to cuckoo site that's really a minor issue and nothing major. I would recommend cuckooxploit to others who want to learn more about security threats such as hacking. For me I learned how to scan for viruses, malware to know what kind of threats are out there to protect myself in my daily life and at work place too. I am aware with my daily computer activity whether its good or bad. I liked that you could do basic research for free, which saved me time later down-the line (also helped with my resume).Cannot use some features like virtual machine snapshotting/recording from within sandbox itself - only possible through third party product called VMWare Workstation Player!I didn't know about this until after purchasing license to run cSdN myself internally as part our QA process; cost was prohibitively expensive otherwise so we needed self service option.