I've only used it for a day so I can't comment on its durability but the build quality seems excellent. I don't use it for scaring, just carrying gear, which it's great for. I would not recommend it for pushback as the quick release tabs are not as recessed/protected as other buckles. My use is independent of life. I wouldn't be happy with it for the full price of $40-$50 or if I needed something my life depended on. The other issue is that I wish there was a better description in the size chart. The size I chose was based on the fact that I'm at the top of the size range. I figured that would mean going back to the velcro would be enough, but that's not the case. I have about 4 inches from the end. If you need that length to reach the velcro, you'll need to order up a size so you're on the lower end of the fit scale. Also don't forget to add extra length if using this in a padded combat belt. It hasn't fully unzipped for me yet, but one of the two tabs accidentally came loose.