I bought this for my son and am very disappointed. The photos are pretty bad but I guess for the price it's to be expected. My real complaint is that the camera is cheaply made. Based on the pictures and specs on the websites you would expect this to be a pretty well built camera, like most Vivitars, but no, this thing is in about the same league as a $35 toy camera. It may look like a real compact camera, but when you hold it in your hands you immediately realize that this is just a toy designed to look like a compact camera. The buttons seem about to break. Everything is that cheap chrome plastic and the buttons are hard to press with no feedback. What a waste of money, this camera absolutely sucks and for the final jab they've made the menu system so illogical it just frustrates you to death. For now I'm just hoping the buttons don't break or the camera just doesn't fail. By the way, this is a digital zoom camera, so forget about real zooming.
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