This is my second order of Moomin shoe bags and I have no complaints. They're great for travel, commuting, or if you need to pack an extra pair of shoes for whatever reason. I use my bags every day because I wear sneakers to work and go to the office in heels. Pockets allow me to store my shoes and keep them separate from other items in my purse. Bags are designed to keep shoes clean and shoes clean. I also use bags when I go to the gym, I put my sweaty sneakers in my bag so my gym bag doesn't get dirty. When I travel across the country or on a plane I use them to separate my shoes from my clothes. This is a great product if you travel a lot or carry multiple pairs of shoes throughout the day. The quality of the product is really good, I use mine daily and have had no problems with the bags - they are in perfect condition. I love that the bags are waterproof, machine washable and have zippers. I was concerned they would be too small but they are actually quite large (for reference I am a womenswear size 6 and my medium length uggs fit perfectly in pockets). Another problem for me was the smell, I was afraid that the smell would stick to the bags and then my bag or other shoes would stink, but that's not a problem at all. The bags don't smell at all and I also try to wash them every few weeks to keep them fresh. What I love most about bags is that they fold into tiny rolls, making them easy to store away when not in use. This brand is a bit more expensive than other shoe bags at Revain but they are worth it, I highly recommend!
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