My daughter loves this lovely camera and it is the perfect size for a young child. I don't know what quality the photos will be because they are a bit blurry on the screen, but it could just be the screen resolution. I didn't buy this camera with the intention of taking good pictures, it's just a toy for my 4 year old so she'll stop asking me to take pictures with my phone all the time. The downside of this camera is that the programming features for the button are terrible. It's not intuitive at all, the buttons have different functions on different screens - for example with the video and camera functions, press the top button to record. In the audio recording function, the "OK" button is used for recording. In the menu, sometimes the selection button is "ok", sometimes it is the top camera button. But worst of all, in the media viewer app, the play button is the same as the delete all button. So if you hold it longer than the fastest button, you will lose ALL your photos and videos! What a terrible design!