It is a little complicated. You can raise funding with a certain number of participants and the maximum amount of each investment is defined. At least I understood that correctly. If you don't get enough interest in your project you will receive no money. However, you will receive some of the funds you had allocated for it. But in any case you should use your own capital (the amount of money you've raised). Otherwise, the platform has a special feature for startups who want to raise additional funding, called a Super Project. This is an option where you can raise additional funding and are given shares instead of cash. I would like to have seen more transparency about this when creating a new project. After all, there are differences between the two types of financing. One thing that I found interesting was that you have to pay fees even if you don't manage to collect the minimum amount per person. Even though the platform gives you a deadline for collecting the minimum, you have to pay fees anyway.