I buy a well made (usually expensive) handbag about every 4-5 years depending on the quality of the handbag. My last bag was MK and was used as a diaper bag, picnic basket or whatever. I needed a new one because I couldn't change the belts. What I'm trying to say is that I'm very picky about my wallets, I need them to last and I'm not the type to spend money on fashion without functionality. Yes, this bag is sturdy, but the leather will loosen over time. Yes, it has an odor (fresh skin). It gets tough as you add more items, but you've got the strap. I rolled up the strap in my purse but I used it and it was worth it. It is very well made and beautiful. The photos show a Samsung Tab E and a 32oz (95L) water bottle. I could do without the middle pocket/pocket. So far, so good. I will let you know if anything changes. Update: 07/12/2020 I've been carrying this bag every day since I bought it in 2018. This bag was spilled, stepped on and thrown. The skin held its shape but softened. I had one of the buckles for the longer detachable strap break in early 2020. Everything else is like new. Worth the price! I am writing this to help you make an informed decision. I read reviews and research almost everything I buy from Revain. Sometimes it's hard to tell if reviews are honest.
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