My daughter loves dresses but always complains that she doesn't have pockets to put all her stuff. You know, rocks, crayons, toys, pencils, sticks, bugs, candy, her hands, etc. She has been active for 5 (almost 6) years and loves to wear dresses with fun tights. I bought her this dress because of the pockets and now it's her favorite dress! I will buy it again in other colors. size just right. My daughter is tall for her age. She's 54 inches tall and weighs 65 pounds, but she's not round, just squat. She now wears a size 7/8 top (including shirts from Cat & Jack at Target and Wonder Nation at Walmart). I wanted to make this dress a little bigger for her so hopefully she can wear it next school year. So I bought 10-12. As expected, it's a bit too big for her. The part of the skirt is a good length so that it touches her calves, slightly longer than the bottom of her knees. It spins very nicely when it spins. The sleeves are not cap sleeves and actually cover her shoulders. Then bags! These are real bags, not those little flat things that other clothes will be. These pockets are deep enough that she can put all her stuff in them and still put her hands in them as you can see in the picture, it's still definitely red, just not as bright red as in the picture.
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