I usually like all the bags from this company. However, this bag just isn't made right and the fabric feels very stiff and cheap. I understand the fabric is different from what their bags are usually made from as it is an eco-friendly fabric made from recycled bottles. But it looks like a very thin cheap nylon backpack. I'm all for saving the planet, but when I'm paying that much for a bag, I want the material to feel softer. It's like cheap nylon that if bent too long in one spot will leave an indelible mark on something like cheap nylon. Several threads are sticking out of the still connected seams, which I just couldn't tear off. . There are creases on the fabric at the edges of the bag. The stitching was not as accurate as other bags I have from this company. I have the same bag in two other colors but in the regular Kala style and not the eco version. The bag has many compartments and an integrated front pocket. Decently large inner pocket. The best thing about this bag is the color. Beautiful and looks like spring. This is a mix of lavender and pink.
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