The MAXTOP company let me down, and I say that as an expert in the area of internet shopping. I recently made a buy from their website and was disappointed because neither the product nor the shipping met my expectations. The item I got was of low quality, made of cheap fabric and poorly stitched. Despite the high amount I paid, it was obvious that the product was not durable. In addition, the support staff was slow to respond and even slower to offer any assistance. I waited days for a reply when I asked for a refund, and their final offer was not acceptable. In addition, I had a hard time navigating the site and locating the items I needed. Shipping took longer than promised, and the prices were higher than at similar shops. Overall, I am unable to endorse MAXTOP. Their goods are of low quality, and they have unreliable shipping and customer support. If you're looking for something specific, my advice as an online shopping expert is to seek elsewhere.