I bought a leather shoulder bag from Polare to use as an EDC (every day carry) bag. You can call it a men's bag if you like. I have a big bag and I just put too many things in it. Moving became a chore. This bag is big enough for my essential gear and small enough that I can't overload it. A fully loaded bag weighs about 8.5 pounds. or 3.5kg. The skin is thick and elastic. The haircut went well. Overall, the construction makes a very solid impression. Exactly what I was looking for. My only concern is where the carrying strap attaches to the bag. I would have liked more reinforcement at the attachment point. Time will tell if my fears are justified or not. The bag has a large main compartment with a small inner pocket. There is a medium sized pocket on the back of the bag which I use to store pens, pencils and a notebook. There are three pockets or pockets on the front of the bag. One big enough to hold my multi-tool, extra attachments, a large iron bar, and my bug repellent. The second pocket is large enough to hold a small bottle of soap, a small bottle of hand sanitizer, and a few small plastic garbage bags. The third pocket is very small and only fits something very flat. I used a few turns of electrical tape. A long zipper on the back of the bag allows the bag to be stretched to its full size. The main compartment and all pockets are lined with a smooth fabric, probably polyester. The lining has a decent weight. I don't think it will wear or wear down very easily. There is a small detachable pocket at the top of the bag. The bag has a zipped compartment where I carry a bottle of bug repellent and a carabiner. The bag has a small pocket with a flap. This pocket is just big enough to hold a whistle and a small lighter. The shoulder strap is made of canvas material lined with leather. There is a large plastic buckle in the middle of the strap. The strap is adjustable and can be made quite long. I usually wear it on my right shoulder or on my left shoulder with the bag hanging on my back. With the strap as short as possible, the bag hangs at the waist and feels very stable. Doesn't move much to the side when bending forward. The bag has a pleasant leather smell. I don't find the smell too strong. At the time of writing this article, I've had the bag for about a month. I've used it every day and so far it has met or exceeded all of my expectations.
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