I bought an ASA polylite spool specifically for printing some heat resistant parts to restore the hot end of my printer. The thread seems to be everything I could wish for. (Apart from the tendency to stick to the PEI coating on the build plate.) My problem isn't with the ASA filament, it's with the spool. A spool of thread fell off my workbench in my garage. The spool is broken. Now it can't be used on my spool holders. Maybe it's my age, but over the years I've dropped a few coils and the PolyLite broke first. Other companies like Hatchbox, Overture, 3D Solutions, Ziro and others don't seem as fragile and durable and they all survived the same falls. In my case, this is a violation of the terms and conditions. I'm fully aware that coil drop is my problem, not Polylite's. I also know that I can print a different bobbin holder or wind the leftover thread onto a different bobbin. But why would I do that when I can easily fix the problem by using another manufacturer's filament?
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