I'm not sure if they changed the materials used, but my friend had one of these wallets for years until the stitching around the Velcro snapped. He liked this purse and I was happy to find the exact same one here so I ordered it for him for Christmas. Less than a year later the same thing happened, the stitching around the velcro came undone. Normally this wouldn't be a big problem, velcro is good but not really necessary. The problem is that if that seam rips, or at least if it rips in this case, the zippered pocket on that side will break. This is where my friend kept his spare car and house keys (he almost never forgets his wallet but often his keys), luckily he noticed when it fell out. So overall it's a decent wallet, but be aware of the stitching issue where the velcro can tear. I am only deducting two stars as this may not be an issue for some people, but if you want to store semi-value items in this zipped pocket I would not recommend this wallet.
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