I really like that they have a very good selection of jobs to choose from. It's easy to search and filter through. I also like that they have a lot of jobs in the medical field. I don't like that sometimes it takes a few days to hear back from them. This is not bad, just wait a few days. Sometimes you just have to be patient. It's worth it in the end. It's a great way for me to find a job. It's also good to be able to choose jobs that are close to my home. It's a great way to make a little extra money. I love that you can search by specialty which helps me find my perfect match! The only thing i dislike about nomads health so far has been trying out different providers with them but its all good once we figure things our way around!! Its nice being able too keep up-to date of what doctors are doing in your area as well since many have no idea what their local community needs or knows how difficult finding medical services may become when traveling abroad (or even just stateside).