Bought this hub thinking it would resolve a lot of my connections I needed due to the lack out ports my 2019 MBP has, so first think i do is connect this to a port and add an HDMI cable to extend my desktop, thinks flicked onand then went black. Alright so i figured, cable was bad (even though i just opened the new package, doing typical triage.) So go another cable and same thing. So I then grabbed my previous connection with plugs into both my USB-Cs which I was trying to reduce to one port use, but as soon as I plugged that in grabbed the original HDMI cable I tried and worked flawless. So I'm not sure if this unit just isnt providing enough power to even display the HDMI mich less all the other connections, which was a bummer cause i really would have loved to have all these additional ports.I'll keep researching to find one that that can do what it says and actually work for my needs in one USB-C port if its even possible now.
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