02/20/2019 So I have used this body camera on many occasions and it has worked perfectly every time. I have sent several messages to the seller: BOBLOV2016 with questions about how to create only one video file if I record video/audio for an hour for example. They said that this camera/DVR cannot do that. But with it I can extend the recording video file to a maximum of 15 minutes. With a continuous recording of 60 minutes, 4 files of 15 minutes each are created. There is free software on the internet that can combine all of these files into a 1-60 minute file and play them as one file. Apart from this small blemish, I am satisfied. I used it while on vacation at Padre Island Fishing Pier in Bobhall. I just put it in my shirt pocket and it picks up great. With Hi Definition you can see face recognition. I would buy again!
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