I like that I can do polls on my website and share the results with my followers. The interface is easy to use. And it's a good way to get feedback from my followers. I can share the results with my followers. I can also see the results of the polls that I do on my website. It's a good tool for my business. I'm using Polljoy to show the results of a poll I do for my followers. They can vote for the option that they like the most. The app is user friendly and has everything you need to make an effective survey or poll. I love how easy it is to use and how reliable it is. It's not as intuitive as other apps out there but it gets the job done. It doesn't have any unique features that I would consider to be worth mentioning. We use this software at my work to get feedback from our clients. It helps us find out what their favorite colors are and what they like about our services.