We bought these for my daughter who just turned 5 years old. It's not very small but definitely medium sized for a 4-5 year old. These tights were very small! They shimmer beautifully, that's why we bought them, but she can't wear them. They were a birthday gift so I don't even know if I can return them now that I bought them a while ago. Very disappointing! When I took them out of the packaging, they seemed small, but tights are always like that, as you know. I put them on her and it was a bit difficult to put them on because they were so tight but we managed. It took her less than a minute to complain that her waist was too small for her. She couldn't manage to wear those tights comfortably! Totally freaked out! Definitely not suitable for a 6 year old! Don't buy them in the small size unless your daughter is very small, petite and under 3 years old!
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