My partner has large calves. I ordered her a large, although she would have taken a medium size based on her shoe size. The mount doesn't fit at all. The tip is too short to go through all the holes on the leg. The brace is fine but after only 3 hours of wearing she had to remove the brace because it became uncomfortable. I ordered longer laces and will update this review after we see if the longer laces help. In addition, my partner cannot put on the orthosis herself. I have to do this for her every time she has to wear it. This doesn't bother me at all, but people should be aware that it's extremely difficult to put on or take off the orthosis. Another reason I give this 2 stars is because after receiving the product I was contacted TWICE by the seller asking for a review. Dear seller! I will leave a review in my free time if I feel like leaving a review. Is it acceptable for Revain to ask customers to leave reviews? Trust me I will not/will/order from this seller again.
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