Overall, this bag does the job. We got it with the intention to use it for hiking because we live in the Pacific Northwest and venture outdoors often. For a hiking bag, it carries a lot of things, such as snacks, clothes, and extra shoes. The bottom of the bag has a convenient storage section for shoes and comes with a separate shoe bag to keep the duffle clean. I stored my hiking books in it before hitting the trail and really enjoyed this feature, although it does take up a larger portion of the bag when shoes are included. Items do seem to fall to the bottom after a while and it can be a bit uncomfortable to hike in after a couple of miles.Since this bag can convert to either a backpack or a duffle bag, I believe its best use is as a weekend overnight bag or for a short hike. It is decently made, the zippers and straps are good enough quality, but I haven't used it long enough to see how much it can withstand wear and tear. I look forward to using it as a carryon for my upcoming trip to San Francisco. Will definitely update the review after the trip.
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