These are great to keep handy in your car, travel bag, hiking or camping. I used them when working long landscaping jobs or days where I wasn't near a restroom. They pack very small and easy to keep stored away in your car or even you bag. It's a bit difficult the first time to use it because the baggie does get heavy to hold with one hand and (for males) position your aim so be aware of that, I almost lost a grip on the bag before sealing it closed. The seal really is just a double or triple zip lock locking bag that is easy to close. The absorption material inside quickly turns liquids into some solid pretty quickly and there's no odor or anything leaking from the bag. I would recommend placing a full used baggie into a separate bag just to be safe when tossing it into the trash incase something heavy or sharp falls on it and rips the product open. Very happy with the quality overall and the how easy it is to carry or store in case of emergencies. Highly recommend it!
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