If you take the readings three times in a succession and then average them, you should be able to get a fairly accurate reading of the pulse. Everything would be perfect for me if it weren't for the problem with the connection, but as it stands, the bracelet is virtually completely useless: ( Many advantages: It is comfortable to hold in the hand and does not significantly impede movement. Although there were no issues with connecting via bluetooth, I was able to avoid missing any calls or text messages as a result. At the gas station, I left the phone in the car and went to the booth where you pay for your gas. The booth is ten meters away from the car, and there is a wall in between them. Despite these obstacles, the signal was able to get through, and the bracelet indicated that a message had been received. Protection on the level where I showered with him and did the dishes; other than that, there was nothing at all:) The alarm clock is silent and just wakes up myself (and sometimes my wife). In addition, I make use of the alarm clock as a reminder because it is really convenient. The alarm clock can be safely set for a later time; the bracelet itself can tell whether or not I have awakened and will undoubtedly wake me up again in ten minutes. First and foremost, the reading of the pulse is notoriously unreliable. In order to get a measurement that is reliable, you have to stand perfectly still and not move in any way, but even if you do that, it is still possible that it will show something terrible. This only happens very infrequently. If you move, the value from the bulldozer will almost certainly show up on the new appraisal. Second, after the previous meal, it became intolerable to stay in contact with the phone because after establishing a successful connection, the connection is lost after one minute and cannot be reestablished until the user turns off and then on the bluetooth function on the phone once again. It is now impossible to run alongside him because his phone is unable to detect his presence throughout the run and hence cannot get any indications regarding his pulse or steps. Perhaps the issue is with the phone, seeing as how the phone is so filthy, but there were none of these issues before we ate.
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