I bought these for my daughter in S two months ago and they fit perfectly which was a miracle because she is tiny although she is typically tall. She was having a growth spurt so I ordered a medium and the style changed. The waist is much bigger now, and it's not just because of the bigger size. now they have cotton thread to pull them tight, not just a comfy elastic waistband that was on the pants two months ago. As I can't find any other house pants for her that don't fall all the way down or are too short to fit around the waist we're keeping them but it looks a bit weird with all the extra material gathering around her waist, when she "ties" them. At least there isn't much extra room in the back, and that's still fine. Only the waist seems to have changed. I'd love to find a company willing to make really skinny lounge pants, not just jeans.
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