I have been using space bags since they first appeared on the retail market. I think they are brilliant. I use them for everything including holdalls. VacWell bags are a VERY weak replica. They always cut off the air. You end up kneeling, bending over, and walking over things to smooth them DURING vacuuming. These bags never go flat like other brands. Even small throw pillows stay fluffy if you CAREFULLY (I'm no idiot) close the bag well/according to the instructions. I urge you to just leave the room. When you return the next day you will find that these bags are NOT airtight. This has happened to me several times. I suggest you read online vacuum bag reviews. They compiled a "Top 10" list, and while the Zip Loc Space Bags only got an 8.3 (yes, I plan on trying higher rated bags). VacWell didn't even make it onto the list of reviewed products. was planning on storing Christmas blankets and bedding and I am throwing this product in the bin.
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