Shoplet: is a virtual store that is dedicated to offer solutions at the level of equipment and decorations of spaces, with a wide variety of furniture, chairs or desks related to the office area, public spaces, banks, personal recreation sites and others, your store you can see a great variety in different types, according to the color empelado and final finishes, its selection of merchandise is very complete thanks to its categorization you can see many variety of different accessories that are of daily use, or complements necessary for the operation of the space, everything works according to the level of orders required by customers, the design of your page stand out as it offers a high level in the order of purchase, has a clear design with a moderate level of advertising, focused on the main products for sale, has important business partners, and trades with major brands in the market, your page has the main function of offering solutions from the professional point of view, integrating a payment gateway whose main function is to manage the purchase through digital channels, with the use of credit cards, banking system and mobile payment, making the purchase process is guaranteed, an important point is its shipping system depending on the type of purchase that is made shipping can be free, delivered directly to the home or delivery address, if it is an international purchase once the payment is executed, the technical team communicates with the customer to manage the shipment, is charged additionally depending on the country, your store was designed to cover solutions to its customers by offering variety, in many sections, making the selection process is simpler and successful, its selection of cleaning and household accessories is very complete making presence of the main cleaning products, of all types of surfaces, manually or industrially, the company operates in a highly professional manner making the process of care and assistance with customers very complete and focused on the main points of interest, its level of organization and categorization is extremely extensive achieving a simplified search for each product, is a company very committed to its customers and offering the best brands in the market.