So, I saw some reviews that this shoe is fake. I thought it would be weird for Adidas to sell fake shoes to customers. But I went through the checklist to make sure. 1) Are the serial numbers on both shoes different? Check2) Does the barcode match the one on the shoe label? 3) Check the quality of stitch completion? Check4) Does the color match the photo on Revain? Check5) Does the box come with extra laces? no I found it weird but to be honest I don't use extra laces anyway 6) old models have eyelets, new ones don't. you have eyes I checked out the shoes on the Adidas official website and they also have eyelets. 7) Correct spelling of the logo? Check Aside from the missing extra laces, everything else is fine. I really don't think Adidas will sell fake shoes to people. The shoes are great. They weren't that comfortable for the first few days, but now that they have cracks, they are. They are cute and fun to wear. I can wear them to work all day. I got compliments. People have made a few comments about how heavy they are and I agree that they are a bit heavy. But you get used to it. They also add an extra inch when you wear them which is great for me as I'm short.
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