All the good things about Bloggie have been described and discussed. I agree with most. So what I'm going to do here is list a few things I'd like to improve. With the 4 star rating, I was not disappointed with the purchase. The video quality is good and I like the convenience of a direct USB connection to my Mac for downloading. It's smaller than my iPhone, which is a big plus. Here are a few things to know before you buy: 1. When I shoot in vertical (portrait) position with Bloggie, the image is just a vertical bar and is useless. You must start recording in a horizontal (landscape) position. The image where it's always vertical in ads as if it's the normal position for normal shooting is misleading because you have to keep it horizontal to shoot a normal video which works with watching TV and uploading to YouTube etc. However, the tripod mount is next to the USB adapter, which is located on the bottom. You cannot use a tripod and shoot horizontally. I use a flexible tripod held to the back of my chair to stabilize it. And I'll need some more velcro strips to hold it in place - definitely need another tripod mount on the side.3. It takes a little time to focus, and even a small change in angle will cause the image to turn white. You need to press the record button 2-3 seconds earlier than expected to avoid missing the starting point.4. In 1080 HD format, this model (4 GB, 2 hours) offers space for around 40 minutes of recording. I have not tried other definitions. Also, iMovie takes about the same time to load as it does on my Macbook Pro. It's ok for my purposes, but for on the go. . . ? can't be comfortable. You might want the 8GB/4-hour model if you're taking it on a trip or somewhere else. You need a choice of external storage, e.g. e.g. SD.6. The touch screen is not sensitive enough. I have to touch a few times to get it to work.7. The software is not very useful as the editing function is very minimal. I removed it because it was interfering with iMovie when uploading images. Well, stop whining. . . Excuse me. But I want these things to improve because I like the convenience and the picture quality. For fast recording and uploading, video and stills, this is the perfect camcorder.