These joggers are of a much better quality than some of the other fabrics you will find at Revain. However, they work very little. My 16 month old granddaughter is 33 inches tall and weighs 27 pounds and is currently 24 months old. I bought the 2T hoping she could wear them all winter. NO! The length is good but the waist is small and not enough. These are jeggings, they're supposed to stretch from top to bottom, but they aren't. It's like they designed her with no room for a diaper. I understand kids/people come in different sizes but it's clear DKNY doesn't.
Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
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Girls' Clothing and Leggings - Govc Winter Fleece Velvet Leggings
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Slaixiu Leggings Fleece Printing GP777 3P B 130 Girls' Clothing and Leggings
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Spotted Zebra Girl's Disney Star Wars Marvel Frozen Princess Leggings: Unleash the Fantasy!
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