For a long time I dreamed of buying a prefix for a PC. I got tired of ating it every 3-4 years, only because of the games. Tired of constantly something starts to slow down and hang. New games are coming out and already for the maximum parameters it is necessary to ate the PC again. It's utter nonsense)) Yes, and I'm tired of sitting in the pose of a step. After acquiring the console, I opened a new life for myself)) Is it true! you have to get used to the controls if you were an avid PC-player. For a week and a half I just spat on the joystick. And now I got used to it, and I don’t want to see a mouse with a keyboard. Super graphics! But I advise you to take an HDMI cable and a good TV. Also the Kinect system if you have children or you are active in life)) I'm very happy with my purchase of this console!